Knights swords and Viking helmets - collectiblegiftitems

Knights swords and Viking helmets

Viking Helmets Archives - Medieval Collectibles

Knights' swords and Viking helmets are iconic symbols of medieval warfare and chivalry. Both are widely recognized and popularized through literature, movies, and video games. While the knights sword was the weapon of choice for knights, the Viking helmet was a crucial piece of armor for Vikings. In this article, we will explore the history and significance of these two medieval artifacts and their role in shaping the popular imagination.

Part I: Knights' Swords

Vikings were known as many warriors due to their reputation for raiding and conquest throughout Europe and beyond during the Viking Age. The knight swords were a weapon of choice for European knights from the 10th to the 16th century. The sword was primarily used for close combat and was a symbol of a knight's social status and martial prowess. The sword typically had a long, straight, double-edged blade and a crossguard that protected the knight's hand from an opponent's weapon.


The history of the knight's sword dates back to the Roman era when soldiers used the gladius, a short sword that was perfect for close combat. As the Roman Empire fell, the sword evolved, and the knight's sword emerged as the weapon of choice for medieval knights. The knight's sword was highly valued and often passed down as an heirloom from generation to generation.

The knight's sword was also a significant part of medieval culture and chivalry. Knights swore oaths of loyalty to their lords and fought for honor, glory, and reputation. The sword was a symbol of their commitment to these ideals and was often depicted in medieval art and literature. The knight's sword was also used in tournaments, where knights competed for honor and prestige.

Today, the knight's sword continues to capture the imagination of people worldwide. It is often featured in movies, video games, and literature. Collectors and enthusiasts also prize the sword and pay high prices for authentic knight's swords.

Part II: Viking Helmets

The Viking helmet was a crucial piece of armor for Vikings during the Viking Age (793-1066 CE). Vikings were known for their ferocity and skill in battle, and the helmet played a vital role in protecting their heads from injury. The Viking helmet was typically made of iron or steel and had a conical or rounded shape with a nose guard, cheek guards, and a chainmail coif to protect the neck and shoulders.

The Viking helmet was a practical piece of armor that was designed to protect the head and face from injury. The helmet was often decorated with designs that reflected a Viking's status and identity, such as animal motifs or engravings. The Viking helmet was also used in funerary rituals, where it symbolized the warrior's journey to the afterlife.

Today, Viking helmets continue to capture the imagination of people worldwide. They are often featured in movies, video games, and literature. Collectors and enthusiasts also prize Viking helmets and pay high prices for authentic Viking helmets.

Part III: Knights' Swords and Viking Helmets in Popular Culture

Knights' swords and Viking helmets have become some of the most recognizable symbols of medieval warfare and culture in popular culture. From movies to video games to television shows, these iconic items have been featured in countless depictions of the medieval period. In this article, we will explore the representation of knights' swords and Viking helmets in popular culture and the impact they have had on our understanding of these historical artifacts.

Knights' Swords in Popular Culture

Knights' swords have been a staple of medieval representations in popular culture for decades. These swords are often portrayed as being large, heavy, and able to deal significant damage to an opponent. They are usually depicted as being used by knights in battle, often against other knights or armored opponents. They are also often shown being used by heroes in fantasy settings, such as knights in shining armor or warriors battling dragons.

One of the most iconic depictions of knights' swords in popular culture can be found in the classic movie "Excalibur." The film features the legendary sword of King Arthur, which is said to have been pulled from a stone and bestowed upon him by the Lady of the Lake. The sword, which is believed to be one of the most powerful and magical swords ever created, is said to be able to vanquish any enemy with a single blow. The sword is also said to be able to heal its wielder's wounds, making it an invaluable weapon in battle.

Another popular depiction of knights' swords can be found in the hit video game series "Dark Souls." In this series, players take on the role of a knight, tasked with defeating a variety of enemies using a variety of weapons, including swords. The swords in the game are often portrayed as being large, heavy, and able to deal significant damage to enemies. They are also often depicted as having magical properties, such as being able to shoot flames or lightning.

Viking Helmets in Popular Culture

Viking helmets are another iconic symbol of medieval culture that have been heavily featured in popular culture. These helmets are often depicted as being made of metal, with large horns protruding from either side. They are usually portrayed as being worn by Viking warriors in battle, often against other warriors or enemies.

One of the most iconic depictions of Viking helmets in popular culture can be found in the classic comic strip "Hagar the Horrible." The strip features the titular character, Hagar, a Viking warrior who is often depicted wearing a horned helmet. The helmet has become so closely associated with the character that it has become a staple of Viking depictions in popular culture.

Another popular depiction of Viking helmets can be found in the hit television show "Vikings." In this show, the helmets are depicted as being made of leather, with metal plates protecting the top and sides of the head. The helmets are often shown being worn by Viking warriors in battle, and are often decorated with various designs and symbols.

Questions and answers

What is a knight's sword called?

A knight's sword is commonly referred to as a longsword or a broadsword.

What was the most common sword used by knights?

The most common sword used by knights during the medieval period was the arming sword. The arming sword is a single-handed, double-edged sword that typically had a blade length of around 30-35 inches and a weight of approximately 2-4 pounds.

What swords did Templars use?

The Templars were known to use various types of swords during their time, including the arming sword, longsword, and the distinctive Templar sword with its unique cross-shaped hilt.

Did knights use greatswords?

While greatswords were occasionally used by knights during the late medieval period, they were not as common as other types of swords such as the arming sword or the longsword.

Why are Viking helmets so rare?

Viking helmets are rare because only a few have survived from the Viking Age and those that did are often simple in design, lacking the distinctive horns or wings often depicted in popular culture.

What is the best preserved Viking Helmet?

What is the most complete Viking Helmet?

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